
Was listening to the radio this morning and heard Drump mention that Blacks have a poverty rate of 50%.  The news said it was more like 25%. Still had me wondering what the real number is. Also was interested in the historical numbers.

Seems as though the gov has been tracking these numbers since the 60s. Found a good site, although i dont know  how accurate.  http://blackdemographics.com

Seems that everyone has experienced decreased net worth under republicans versus dems.


I passed my CISA exam!

I just received an email from ISACA letting me know that i passed! Alhamdulillah!

I was a little nervous because a few days before the exam i had suspected that i had been studying wrong. While i was taking the exam i had confirmed it.

I bought the practice tests.  My coworker brian told me that taking the questions over and over was the best tool for preparing (he later clarified that it wasn’t the only tool) for the exam. 

So that’s what i did.  ISACA has an adaptive testing utility that loads the exam questions with the area you perform the worst in.  Sounds great right?  So that’s what i did but i kept getting discouraged because i kept performing poorly.  The worse i performed in that area the more questions they sent me.

I did a little research on how other people prepared and someone suggested getting this book (I’ll get the title soon ). I read through that book,  making sure to go through the chapter questions both before and after i read the chapter. 

I still wasn’t where i needed to be.  So I started reading through the manual from ISACA that brian lent me. 

Then it dawned on me.  I had been spending waaay too much time on the area i was performing poorly in and not enough time in the other areas.  Problem was that the exam war just a few days away. 

So i went through and mapped out each domain.  I watched a video on passing the CISA. I prayed. 

Come exam time i was really disheartened to discover that the questions i had been going over the most were severely underrepresented. 

But i got my email today and i found out that i passed. 

Altogether i answered over 1600 questions on the practice exam.  When sorted from high to low,  there was a direct relationship between the amount of time i spent on a domain and how well i did.  I spent over 71 hours on the practice exam.

Two things i would do differently:
1. I would start studying earlier.
2. I would balance the practice tests between the adaptive test and the standard test.
(Edit: 3. i also would join a study group. Half the class were asian and they seemed to have more knowledge about the entire process than i did. Would love to have gotten in with them)

But all in all i think i did ok. Especially considering auditing is new for me. I hadnt even been an auditor for a year yet before i took the exam. I had been in IT for over 16 years before

Japan Chronicles – the first night

Man, it was hard for me to adjust to the fact that I was in Tokyo, again!

Our apartment was tight!  AC, wood floors, bidet in the toilet.  I’ve come to learn that the Japanese are obsessive with cleanliness…and I don’t mind one bit.  Their toilets are in separate rooms from their washrooms.  The toilet had a bidet and a faucet on top of it.  Whenever you flushed, the water would flow through the faucet and then the toilet, I guess so that you could get a chance to rinse your hands.

The showers are a little different as well, but I had heard of them before.  They believe in the power of taking baths, but since they also believe in cleanliness, their showers are built right next to the tub so that you can wash yourself and then get in the tub.

Man, the view of the city was amazing!  The balcony was tight!

IMAG0949 IMAG0952

I think we showered and then just walked around.  We got lost a little bit.  Tokyo doesn’t have a grid like pattern to their streets so it can be a little confusing, still, there’s no better way to get to know a city than by wandering around it.

I felt like a giant.  Japanese people are much smaller than Americans on average.  Like somebody the size of Jack Black would be considered heavyweight even though I don’t think he breaks 200 pounds.  Started feeling a little self conscious!  I felt tall but gruesome, lol!

We decided to just take the “L” for the night and not try to do something.  We just went to McDonalds.  I got a double cheeseburger and it was on some gourmet type shit. The burgers were actually bigger than the buns.  I didn’t expect it to be like the ones in the states but this was nice.


I just did a little unpacking and that was it.

Japan Chronicles – the plane ride here

man, first of all, I was NOT prepared for how long the ride was gonna be!  Man!

When I first got on the plane I lucked out.  I had my section all to myself.  Not only that, but across the isle was the prettiest girl on the plane.  I noticed her earlier, we sat next to her before at the terminal and it looked like she was interested in what we were doing.

I introduced myself to her since we were gonna be neighbors.  She was a very nice girl.  She was mixed, forgot with what.  She was raised on an army base.  She just got into university at Temple, apparently they have a campus in Tokyo.

I asked her all kinds of questions, I’m sure I got on her nerves.  I asked her what it was like, etc.  I asked her what kind of gift would she be bringing back from the states to her friends.  She said colgate.  She told me that the Japanese government considers menthol a drug so they regulate its use.  Sure enough, while I was there it was hard to find peppermint gum and the such.  I asked her about dancing in clubs being illegal.  She said yeah.  She was a part of a flash mob that tried to protest it.  Said it didn’t work out that well because the train was so crowded. She told me to carry ID with me at all times, but not my passport.  Told me a story about how a guy had gotten into a fight and beaten up pretty badly.  Well this american came to help him up and the police arrested him!

She said that she had to go to the bathroom but was scared to go because the fasten seatbelt sign was flashing.  I told her to be bold, do something dangerous, go!  She just buzzed the stewardess and asked her.  It was ok.

Once the plane took off our conversation went in the opposite direction.
It was cool.
I had some movies to watch.

I tried my best to get comfortable.  I watched a movie, I watched some shows, I slept, I conversed with Pete and Nghi.  I looked at the time, I think like four hours passed. The flight was for 13 hours.  Jeez!  It was sooo excruciating.  I tried to lay down, I tried to lean back, I tried to lean to the side.  Finally, I sat up straight, buckled my seat belt and slept for the final few hours.

They fed us well on the flight.  We had more than enough food.  Since the plane was late in leaving they gave us a food voucher but even without that there was more than enough.

Anyway, now I’m at the airport dreading having to do it all over again.  But it was soooo worth it.

Japan Chronicles

Man, it’s been almost 30 years since I visited Japan.  I just remember going to this one place where they told me that I would be back.  I’m finally back.


We got into Tokyo about 1030 pm last night.  According to my time it was more like 1130 am.

As soon as we got on our bus we started noticing subtle differences.  For one, seat belts.  I’m used to the male part of the seatbelt being the adjustable part. it was the opposite here.  And of course there’s the driving on the other side of the rode.  Going from the airport to our rental, the city reminded me more of Toronto than NYC.  There were a lot of white clean buildings.

I’m a little jet lagged.  I stopped trying to figure out what time it is back home.  One thing we did was to deprive ourselves of sleep before we left.  This has lessened the effect of jet lag, I believe, but I’m still tired.  I got like 3-4 hours sleep last night.  I’m hoping that’s the average.

I gotta take a shower and bounced, but here are a few pics of the drive to the apartment.

IMAG0946 IMAG0947

@REFERENCE – MS Word 2013 quirks

argh! Word 2013 is so frustrating! So much stuff has changed that it’s like learning a completely different application!

I want to create documentation for this database I built in FileMaker. I want to use connectors to connect the screen shots I took in order to illustrate flow. By default, it’s impossible to do this in Word 2013.

I can select the connectors (arrows) but they won’t connect to the objects. I thought I could do this no problem in Word 2003. So I checked. The objects have to been in the drawing canvas, but it is possible.

It took me almost two hours to figure this out. I went to ten different pages using three different search queries before I stumbled on the answer.

I found out that they are called connectors, but searching for connectors doesn’t help because it brings up stuff about connecting over the internet or something.

You can indeed use connectors to link your objects, but only within a drawing canvas. You can create a drawing canvas but only if you go to:

the File Menu, click Options.

Click Advanced.

Under Editing options, click to select the Automatically create drawing canvas when inserting AutoShapes check box.

Click OK.

But what if you already placed your objects in the document, not knowing that the drawing canvas is not created by default? You have to add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar:

  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu, click More Commands.
  2. Click the drop-down menu under Choose commands from, and then click Commands Not in the Ribbon.
  3. Scroll through the list, click to select Insert Drawing, then click Add.
  4. Click OK.

There doesn’t seem any other way to place the drawing canvas on there other than to create a button. Why? I have no idea, but it has been frustrating.

In order to get here I had to perform the following searches:
word 2013 flowchart” – to find out the names of everything.
word 2013 connectors won’t connect” – to find out if it is a known issue.
word 2013 connectors won’t connect flowchart” – the previous search brought up connection issues dealing with networking.
word 2013 create drawing canvas” – had to change it because the previous search didn’t illustrate how to create the drawing canvas if your objects are already on there.

Ultimately, I got my answer from here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2447096.

Got a piece of the ThinkingRock

Well, it’s been a while.  I never was able to properly download the demo version of TR, so I just went ahead and bought the license.  After I bought it and had trouble with that download as well, I decided to do some searchin on it.  Turns out a few people have experienced this as well, so they have provided alternate links.

The links were for the full version, so I don’t think they acknowledged a problem to the general public.

Since time is of the essence now, I’m just going to blast through it.  So here is what I did to transition from GTDify to ThinkingRock.

1.  Download ThinkingRock version to MacBook.
2.  Configure it to connect to file on Dropbox.
3.  Download demo of Android app.
4.  Determine file format/structure needed to import project(s) into ThinkingRock.
5.  Export projects from GTDify.
6.  Import into ThinkingRock.
7.  Test.

Just add a Black guy.

So season 5 of Californication has just started. This show used to be one of my favs! I mean, who wouldn’t want to be hank moody, an artist living by his own rules.  His life is so rock n roll.

It starts off with him breaking up badly with his current side piece.  Since he is perpetually in love with his baby mamma, every woman he gets involved with is a side piece.  As I’m watching this, I’m finding myself not really being interested.  I guess my life and my values have really changed since season 4 ended.  Originally I was thinking that the season must have ended like a few years ago, but it ended earlier this year. So what happened in that time that allowed, or rather forced me to mature? Well for one, in may we had our fourth baby.  Hmm, my boss got transferred out of our office, our job laid off people for the first time since I’ve been there. In other words, real world shit.

Anyway, back on topic.  So I’m sitting there like, yeah, so hank is an ass, haven’t seen that before, yawn. And all of a sudden, in walks meagan goode! wait wha….?  (Spoiler Alert). They tease around the idea of hooking up.  She vanishes almost as quickly as she showed up, only to come back as the love interest of none other than the RZA! I’m like wtf! Ok, they done did it now. I’m interested.

I remember when I went out to LA a few years ago, I loved it! But I didn’t see no hip hop influence. It’s like it was washed out. With shows like entourage and this one, we get an insiders look at Hollywood. Now let’s see if we get that view from a hip hop perspective.


GTDify —-> ThinkingRock Project Plan

I think it’s a good idea for me to plan out this conversion, however simple it may be. I think all conversions breakdown to these steps, however large they may be. The biggest road blocks, or maybe the thinnest bottlenecks, are usually associated with 4 and 5 below: figuring out the proper format for one system to accept data from another. Fortunately,  that’s an area that I have a lot of control over. Once I get the data out, I can pretty much do anything i need to with the format and structure. It’s funny, because my first step is actually entering these actions (activities in PMBOK language) into GTDify. So here we go, lets get it on!

1.  Download ThinkingRock version to MacBook.
2.  Configure it to connect to file on Dropbox.
3.  Download demo of Android app.
4.  Determine file format/structure needed to import project(s) into ThinkingRock.
5.  Export projects from GTDify.
6.  Import into ThinkingRock.
7.  Test.